
By writing your career plan and describing the means you undertake to achieve your goals, you may earn a scholarship of $1,000 - $2,500. The Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme wishes to reward students who follow through with their career strategy. To apply, need only to review our rules and criteria, and to submit a 250-word essay. You do not need to be a member of Mensa Canada to apply for a scholarship.

The - competition is now closed.

The - competition winners will be announced on this web site in late-September, .

Questions or Comments

Please contact us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions, comments or concerns.


Did you know the Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme is a registered charity? Our program is run by member volunteers and with our extremely low administration expenses, virtually all of your generous donations go toward funding our scholarships. All donations are gratefully accepted and fully receipted for income tax purposes.

Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme
111 rue des Spirées
Lévis, Québec
G6Y 7W5

Donate via Canada Helps

Canada Helps is a one-stop location for online charitable donations across Canada. Click on the Donate button to visit our page on their web site. From there, you can enter a donation amount to help Canadian post-secondary students reach their educational goals.

Canada Helps is a not-for-profit organization that manages donations with minimal administrative fees. Funds will be transferred directly to the Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme, and you will be provided with a tax receipt immediately. Click on the Donate button to visit our page on their web site. From there, you can enter a donation amount to help Canadian post-secondary students reach their educational goals.